in the bathroom dudeBrutal death porn grind from Milwaukee-this shit rips. It's also extremely offensive but hey, that's pretty standard for the genre. These guys are on a small label so if it bothers them, this link will come down but they are way too killer not to be mentioned here. One of the guys in the band used to work at Ear Wax in Milwaukee-which was one of the most killer all metal music stores I've ever been to. At least it's sister store in Madison is still going strong. Anyway, that's where I got this disc and anytime I'm in the mood for grind, this one definitely scratches that itch.
1. Vaccum Extraction Action |
2. Deformed Foetal Scrotal |
3. Scab In A Puddin' Cup |
4. People With Vaginas |
5. Awake To Intake |
6. Greasy Feces |
7. Withered Labes, Crippled Legs |
8. Fingering Faces And Faeces |
9. In The Bathroom |
10. Offended By Butts, Not Turds |
11. Lick The Parts |
12. Everything's A Song Title |
13. Ear To Go |
14. Corpse Divorce |
15. Choking On Vaginal Pubes |
16. Weird Pills |
17. Shake n' Make |
18. Why Are These My Thoughts...Why Am I Weird? |
19. She's Roast Beef |
20. What Is This Mucus? |
21. Uteral Waste Disposal |
If you get into this please seek out a real copy, go to a show, or buy some merch as these guys are still active so every little bit helps.
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